Monday, January 22, 2018

Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 1: Changing the Track Tires #R0526100

In this series of videos I go over replacing parts in your Zodiac MX6 if it is not moving in the pool or not turning. The thing I really like about the MX6 vs the MX8 is how easy it is to work on. Not that the MX8 is difficult, but there are less parts in the MX6 and it just is compact and easier to work on. You will also be able to isolate the problem easier on the M6 and get it up and running like new again in a matter of minutes.

One of the drawbacks of the MX6 is all of the moving parts wear out over time. Fortunately the parts are inexpensive and easy to install. I would say after 1 ½  to 2 years you will need to start to replace some parts, and this depends on the pool run time also. But figure at the 2 year mark replacing all of these parts featured in this video series would be a good idea.

This first video covers what to do if the MX6 stops going thru it's turn cycle. Very common in the MX8 but less common in the MX6 since there is only one Directional Device in it. The MX6 uses the Directional Device Side A, part #R0524700 – you will often see it listed for the MX8 like this “Baracuda R0524700 Side A Direction Control Device Replacement for Baracuda MX8 Pool Cleaner.”
The same part is used for both cleaners.

The first step thing to check if the MX6 is not moving are the Tracks. The Tracks are made out of rubber and have raised “teeth” on the inside that grip the plastic “teeth” on the wheels and this is what gives the cleaner it's awesome grip on the pool surface. When these runner “teeth” start to wear down the tracks will start to slip in the wheels and the MX6 will begin to move very slowly and may stop moving entirely.  Here is the part you will need to order - 2PK Zodiac Baracuda MX8 MX6 Swimming pool Cleaner Wheel Track Tire R0526100

They are relatively inexpensive, about $25 for a two pack of Tracks and they are very easy to replace. Once you chance the two Tracks if you notice that the cleaner is still moving slow even with excellent suction, then it could be a two other parts that are also causing it to move slowly.

The engine is the heart of the MX6 and this is what spins to pick up the debris in your pool. Depending on your pool's run time you figure this thing is spinning everyday for 6 to 8 hours so after a couple of years it will start to slow down. The MX6 will still work fine, you will just notice that it moves slower than when you first dropped it in the pool. So replacing the Engine along with the Track is a good idea.

If you change the engine and the MX6 is still not moving at full speed maybe the Cyclonic Turbine is also worn out. They are all tied together, the Engine the Tracks and the Cyclonic Turbine so it would not be a bad idea to change all three parts at the same time (change both tracks at the same time).

Here are the other videos in the series:

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Should you Maintain your Own Pool or Hire a Pool Service Company?

If you purchased a home recently with a swimming pool or had one constructed you are often faced with the question – should I try to maintain my own pool or should I hire a pool service company? This is probably something you don't think about until after the fact and the answer is not as cut and dry as it may seem. Doing the pool yourself and becoming a DIY Homeowner or hiring a pool service company is something to thoughtfully consider.

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If you plan on taking care of your pool on your own there are a few things to make sure you have. The first element is time. It may sound basic to mention this but in reality taking care of your own pool requires that you to set aside a block of time each week to check the chemicals and balance the water as well as clean the pool and maintain the equipment. If you work 5 days a week and leave your house at 7 am and return at 6 pm that leaves you with Saturday and Sunday to squeeze in your pool care. So I suggest scheduling at least 45 minutes every Saturday morning to work on your pool. This takes a level of dedication during the Summer season and if you miss one week the pool can turn ugly pretty fast. Also if your pool is left open all season you will need to deal with debris from the winds and rain which can consume a large block of time.

You will also need a very basic knowledge of pool chemistry to balance the pool water. Keeping the water balanced is important for several reasons. If the water is out of balance it may be unsafe to swim in and you can actually become very ill from viruses and bacteria in the water. Out of balance water can also irritate your skin and eyes, causing burning eyes and itchy skin. It can also damage the pool surface and even the pool deck depending on how out of balance the water can get. But relax, it is pretty easy to do once you start and if you run into trouble your local pool store has counter staff that can check your water and offer you suggestions. Investing in a good test kit is something I suggest and you can find some helpful videos on my YouTube Channel and in my eBook on water balancing.

Cleaning your pool can be easy if you have the basic equipment on hand. A pool pole, a leaf rake, a brush, a vacuum hose and a manual vacuum head are all you really need to get the job done week to week. I have several videos covering the basic equipment you will need and how to clean your pool. To save time I suggest investing in a good automatic cleaner. This will clean your pool for you all week long and all you will need to do is spot cleaning each week. So expect to spend some time each week cleaning your pool to prevent staining and to reduce chemical use each season.

One factor that is often overlooked in servicing your own pool is the pool equipment. You will need to check your equipment each week and keep everything running well or you will struggle with maintaining your pool. If your equipment is old and out of date it might be a wise investment to upgrade your equipment to a new energy efficient pump and filter. This will not only save you money each month on your energy costs but also make servicing your pool much easier. Cleaning the filter when it is dirty is half the battle in pool care so allow for some time to work on the pool equipment each week and when needed.

Here are some of the basic reasons where hiring a pool service company would be a wise choice. If you just purchased a home with a pool I suggest hiring a pool service company for at least the first year. You will have a lot of other things occupying your time and the pool and yard should be the last on your worry list. If you work more than 40 hours a week or have so many activities outside of the house, hiring a pool service company would be wise. The time spent doing your own pool can actually cost you more in the long run and if you can apply that time to your current profession verses towards pool care you might even be better off.
If you are physically unable to service your own pool you should hire someone to do it for you. And last if it looks just too overwhelming for you and you feel you can't set the time aside each week then hiring a pool service company is logical. It can be a lot of work week to week keeping the pool balanced and clean so passing this on to a local service company is not a bad thing.

Here are some things to look for in a pool service company. They should be licensed and also have a general liability insurance policy. They should show up for the appointment on time and look professional. A list of some current clients for references should be provided upon request. Check out their Yelp! Reviews or other online sites like their company website. If it is a Commercial service account they should be CPO Certified – this is an independent certification letting you know they have passed an exam and are qualified to maintain a swimming pool to Health Code standards. You don't want to just hire a guy with a truck and a pool pole so do your do diligence when you hire a company.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Pool'N Brush Sweep Hose Tail Scrubber Brush Replacement for Polaris & Pentair Pressure Cleaners

The Pool'N Brush is a pretty effective after market Sweep Hose tail scrubbing brush that attaches to the Sweep Hose of your Polaris or Pentair Pressure cleaner. The Pool”N Brush is designed to scrub your pool surface as the Sweep Hose moves along the pool bottom. Unlike the black foam Tail Scrubber that comes with the cleaner, the Pool'N Brush his made out of hard plastic and has hard bristle brushes on the bottom. It is designed to last 20 times longer than the OEM replacement foam tail scrubbers.

It has a cone shape and the brushes are set in a way that it will so that it will make contact with the pool surface and these brushes are designed to be very long lasting. The weight of the Pool'N Brush insures that the tail will not come out of the water and spray your pool deck and windows. Unlike the foam scrubber it actually will scrub your pool surface allowing the Sweep Hose not only to loosen debris but clean the pool surface.

The Pool'N Brush is easy to install. It will snap right onto your existing Polaris or Pentair Legend Sweep Hose where the foam scrubber sits. If the end is worn out a new orifice tip and guard are also included with the Pool'N Brush. Remove the old orifice tip with a pair of Channel Locks and slide the included one into the Sweep Hose. Then simply snap the Pool'N Brush onto the end and listen for it to clip in and you are all done. You can also remove or move of the wear rings on the Sweep Hose to give the tail some more sweeping motion. You can also increase the Sweep Hose water pressure by loosening the Allen Screw on the cleaner body right where the Sweep Hose attaches in the back. By turning the screw counter clockwise you will increase water flow to the tail.

The Pool'N Brush fits these model cleaners:

Polaris 180
Polaris 280
Polaris 360
Polaris 380
Polaris 3900 Sport
Polaris TR35P

Polaris TR36P

Pentair LL505G Kreepy Krauly Legend

The Pool'N Brush comes with a manufacturer LIFETIME warranty covering any manufacturing defects so rest assured you are investing in a product that will last a very long time. If your OEM foam tail scrubber brush is worn out or even missing, this would be a good time to invest in the Pool'N Brush. Over time you will save money as you will no longer need to invest in a new foam tail scrubber brushes every few months.